The latest report of the Rivers Trust classifies the ecology of the Yare as “moderate”. This is on a scale of High, Good, Moderate, Poor or Bad. A map shows the Yare to share this category with most of England’s rivers. Only 15% of rivers are rated as being in “good” ecological health.

Ecological health is assessed by looking at the state of what is living in the river environment. “The presence, absence and abundance of species is a good indication of the general health of a river.”
There is no river in England rated as “good” for chemical health or for overall health.
The detailed State of Our Rivers Report for 2024 is an in-depth study of the condition of our rivers and suggestions solutions and actions for improving the health of our rivers.
YVS has already reported on the Norfolk Rivers Trust’s work at various points on the river in the valley to improve water quality by modifying river flow and to improve resilience of wetlands to drought by interconnected scrapes.