Yare Valley Society is saying KEEP OUR VALLEY GREEN in a campaign to promote participation in the latest Local Government consultation on the Greater Norwich Local Plan. The consultation will run from the 29 January to the 16 March 2020. It will be available on line, but you can make a paper response if you wish. A number of CONSULTATION ROADSHOWS will take place. The Yare Valley Society has put up Posters on Noticeboards in the Yare Valley area to ask those who care for the valley to:
Say what you like, say what you don’t like in the
Question the intrusion of building development into the Yare Valley Green Space adjacent to Bluebell Road, Norwich. (Site GNLP 0133 – E)
Find information at the GNLP website, and Yare Valley Society comments on the consultation.
Tell your friends.
*Consultation Roadshows local to the Yare Valley are at: Cringleford Willow Centre, Tuesday 4 February 2 – 8 pm Costessey Centre, 13 February 2 – 8 pm Norwich, The Forum, 26 February and 5 March 2 – 8 pm North Wymondham Community Centre, 14 February 2 – 8 pm
For a full list of the roadshows go here.