
Newsletter Archive

All our Newsletters are have now been digitalised. Browse through our past Newsletters to see what we have been doing over the years.

The Archive contains a complete collection of the Yare Valley Society Newsletters in pdf format from issue 1 in June 1989. It includes Newsletters that are missing from the paper record that has been lodged with the Norfolk Record Office.

Issue 63 took some tracking down but was finally discovered as a MS Publisher file by the then editor. However, she could not be certain it was the final edition distributed to members.

From time-to-time Special Editions of the Newsletter were issued without a number. In the Archive they have been given the same number as the immediately preceding Newsletter, to place them in chronological order. They are identified separately by having a different month of issue.

Any queries regarding the Archive should be addressed to

N122 Jun 2024

N121 May 2024

N120 Jul 2023

N119 Jun 2023

N118 May 2023

N117 May 2023

N116 Jan 2023

N115 Oct 2022

N114 Aug 2022

N113 Jun 2022

N112 Apr 2022

N111 Feb 2022

N110 Jun 2021

N109 May 2021

N108 Aug 2020

N107 Feb 2020

N106 Apr 2019

N105 Aug 2018 Supplement

N105 Aug 2018

N104 July 2018

N 103 Mar 2018

N102 Feb 2018

N101 Nov 2017

N100 May 2017

N99 Dec 2016

N98 Sep 2016

N97 Jul 2016

N96 Apr 2016

N95 Feb 2016

N94 Jan 2016  

N93 Nov 2015   

N92 Oct 2015   

N91 May 2015  

N90 Dec 2014   

N89 Sep 2014   

N88 Apr 2014 

N87 Nov 2013   

N86 Apr 2013    

N85 Apr 2012

N84 Sep 2011

N83 May 2011

N82 Oct 2010

N81 Apr 2010

N80 Sep 2009

N79 Mar 2008

N78 Oct 2008

N77 Apr 2008

N76 Feb 2008

N75 Oct 2007 

N74 Apr2007

N73 Feb 2007

N72 Aug 2006

N71 Apr 2006

N70 Feb 2006

N69 Nov 2005

N68 Aug 2005

N67 Apr 2005

N66 Feb 2005

N65 Nov 2004

N64 Aug 2004

N63 May 2004

N62 Feb 2004

N61 Oct 2003

N60 Jul 2003

N59 Apr 2003

N58 Feb-Mar 2003

N57 Sep-Oct 2002

N56 Jul 2002

N55 Apr 2002

N54X Mar 2002 Special Edition

N54 Feb 2002

N53 Oct 2001

N52 Jul 2001

N51 Apr 2001

N50 Feb 2001

N49 Nov 2000

N48 Jul 2000

N47 Apr 2000

N46 Feb 2000

N45 Oct 1999

N44 Jul 1999

N43 Apr 1999

N42 Feb 1999

N41 Oct 1998

N40 Jul 1998

N39 Apr 1998

N38 Jan 1998

N37 Jul 1997

N36 Apr 1997

N35 Oct 1996

N34 Oct 1996

N33 Apr 1996

N32 Nov 1995

N31 Jul 1995

N30 Apr 1995

N29 Jan 1995

N28 Jul 1994

N27 Apr 1994

N26 Dec 1993

N25 July 1993

N24 Apr 1993

N24 Apr 1993

N23 Feb 1993

N22 Jan 1993

N21 Oct 1992

N20 Aug 1992

N19 Jun 1992

N18 Apr 1992

N17 Feb 1992

N16 Dec 1991

N15 Sep 1991

N14 Aug 1991

N13 Jun 1991

N12 Apr 1991

N11 Mar 1991

N10 Jan 1990

N9 Nov1990

N8 Aug1990

N7 Jul 1990

N6 May 1990

N5 Mar 1990

N4 Nov 1989

N3 Sep 1989

N2 Jul 1989

N1 Jun 1989