The Conservation Volunteers reach out to some new sites this month, together with no less than three SSSI sites. In the Yare Valley they will be cutting and raking in the UEA reedbeds on Monday the 24th February. A letter from the team Leader, Mark Webster, and the full programme of activities is here.
Conservation Volunteers January Programme
The conservation volunteers spread their wings still further with half a dozen new sites added to their programme this month. No work planned for the Yare Valley, but plenty of opportunities to become involved elsewhere. The organiser Mark Webster writes: “While the birds are having a rest from breeding, for us it’s full tilt on habitat improvement works over the winter, with a focus on ponds, woodlands and heaths, including three designated Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) at East Ruston, Swannington Upgate, and Flordon.” His full letter to Volunteers together with the this month’s Programme is here.
All are welcome to come along and get active!
UEA calls for Biodiversity Heroes for conservation work in the Valley
The new Biodiversity Officer and Volunteer Coordinator at the University of East Anglia, Nadia El-Fakhri, is putting together a list of people who would be interested in helping out on conservation work parties at UEA. Her role is new at UEA. It was created to implement the University’s Green Infrastructure Strategy. UEA’s aim is to conserve and improve ecologically important areas on campus for biodiversity and to involve the community in the process.
Nadia says:
“We’ll be working on a few different sites across campus including areas closed to the public such as Bluebell Marsh and Lusty Hills. Tasks this winter will be things like gorse and scrub clearing, tree removal and reed cutting. In the warmer months we’re hoping to do some river bank restoration, ragwort pulling (so we can continue to make hay!) and biodiversity monitoring. All training and equipment is provided and there will of course be hot drinks, treats and socials down the line when we have regular groups established. I’ll be sending an email out with details soon so if anyone would like to be on the contact list please fill in this form.”
Nadia is experienced in conservation work and was previously one of the Yare Valley Meadow Makers (YVMM). If you are interested in giving practical help to improve the ecology of the UEA area of the Yare Valley Green Corridor, please sign up with the UEA Biodiversity Heroes here.
All equipment, PPE and training will be provided and there will be hot drinks, treats and socials down the line when some regular groups are established.
If you have any questions you can email Nadia at
Conservation Volunteers December Programme
The volunteers will be at UEA Marsh on the 9th and 16th December to help manage the wetland habitats on campus. Join them if you can.
Mark Webster of the Conservation volunteers sends a Christmas Message:
“Tis (almost) the season for ho, ho, ho rather than hoe, hoe, hoe (or rake, rake, rake). As far as I’m concerned it’s Bah Humbug until 1st December, but that’s now very soon – so here is your festive December programme. We are moving in some exalted circles this month from dreaming spires (the Catholic cathedral) to the concrete jungle (UEA) as well as visiting some old favourite sites for more long-term projects.
During this month Santa will also be delivering some TCV-branded clothing to all volunteers who have been good this year. There will as usual be some well-earned downtime for us all for the Xmas holidays. I hope you know someone who will enjoy this month’s tasks, they can then feel free to indulge in (just a little bit) too much eating and drinking during our midwinter break – and you know how they can best to get fit and healthy again in January…
Merry Christmas!
The programme of Conservation Volunteering to improve local green spaces is here. Join in whenever suits you.
Conservation Volunteers November Programme
All are welcome to give the support they can. There are big opportunities this month to get your hands dirty and join the volunteers to contribute directly to the wellbeing of Yare Valley wildlife:
Cringleford Bridge Meadow on Monday 4th and Friday 15th
Eaton Burial Ground on Church Lane on the Wednesday 6th, Thursday 7th, and Tuesday 12th
Bluebell Woods at Eaton Park on Friday 22nd.
The programme is here. It gives full details including the occasions when lunch will be available.
Conservation Volunteers October Programme
Mark Webster writes:
We are looking to thank volunteers old and new by providing lunch for all attendees wherever convenient outlets exist near to where we are working this month, as indicated by L [in the programme] … Could be sandwiches, could be chips, but we will see that people get a decent feed to help keep out the autumn chill. …
Full details of the programme are here.
Conservation Volunteers September Programme
Mark Webster of Conservation Volunteers has, as usual. a varied plan for conservation volunteering opportunities across the County. None is specific to the Yare Valley this month, but all contribute to improving our green environment. New volunteers are always welcome. Full details are available here.
Conservation Volunteers August Programme
The Conservation Volunteers will be out in force in August doing work in various locations, including Bowthorpe Southern Park on two occasions. Their task here will be to remove ragwort from a specific area to make it safe for cattle grazing. Grazing creates vegetation at different heights, and small areas of bare ground. This encourages a wide range of wildlife in different habitats. It also helps wildflowers to grow, flower, and set seed each year.
Everyone is welcome. Details of the Programme are here.
Conservation Volunteers July Programme
Their programme in July includes conservation work in the Yare Valley Bluebell Wood at the Junction of Bluebell Road and North Park Avenue, Eaton Park, Norwich. They will be cutting back bramble to allow bluebells to thrive. In July there are also two free courses:
Mark Webster writes:
“… we have two free courses people can attend if they wish:
- Saturday 20th we have local expert Adrian showing us how to find insects and identify them. All welcome, suitable for all ages, beginners as well as those who already know their bugs and beetles. A great opportunity to see some minibeasts up close, and hopefully find some real rarities. Whether or not you usually come out at the weekend, I hope you can join us for this – bring family and friends!
- Tuesday 30th we will be running a task leader’s course, giving you all you need to know in order to run a safe and happy conservation task day. Great for the CV, especially for those looking for a job working with wildlife.”
Details of the programme, and how to contact Mark if you are interested in attending a course, are here.
Conservation Volunteers June Programme
Mark Webster writes:
Flaming or Raining? I don’t know, but it is June soon…as the seasons (twist and) turn in unpredictable ways, our construction work (boardwalks, steps, etc) gives way to tackling invasive species such as bracken – and Himalayan Balsam. Yes, it’s here again! We get to see some beautiful hidden stretches of the lovely Wensum Valley, with iridescent banded demoiselles flitting around our heads as we wander the riverbanks hunting for this invasive weed, before it sets seed (3rd rhyme of this paragraph?)
We will also be looking after some new wildflower meadows trees including a Miyawaki Forest. …
The full programme is here.