Conservation Volunteers March Programme

Public access to McCarthy Stone Green landscaped area

Wheelchair access from Leander Court/Daisy Hill Court path. Photo: Hilary Hann

Temporary Closure of Marston Marsh Footpath

Landscaping in the Yare Valley

After much delay planting is now underway on the green space adjacent to the McCarthy Stone development on the Bluebell Road.  The landscaped area will have links to the Strawberry Field and to the Yare Valley Walk and will open up opportunities for new green circular walks.

The planting of trees and other environmental mitigations for achieving biodiversity net gain for the development were a condition of the planning approval. From the start of the development the Yare Valley Society has pressed for the completion of the landscaping of the green space and the other required ecological improvements. It has monitored its progress, and provided reports to the Norwich City Council Planning Department. A recent survey by YVS found that most of the environmental mitigations are now in place. Some, such as hedgehog gaps in the boundary fence, and boundary hedgerow infill planting, are still outstanding, and are being followed up.

At most points of entry to the green space there is fencing, and it is probably as well that general public access is restricted until the planted meadow areas have been given time to become established. People have been seen inside the area already. There are surfaced paths, and it is to be hoped they remain on the paths and treat the newly planted areas with respect. Moles already have access:

A mole explores its new environment

The Fringe Project at Eaton Common

Conservation Volunteers Programme February

Conservation Volunteers January Programme

All are welcome to come along and get active!

UEA calls for Biodiversity Heroes for conservation work in the Valley

Nadia on the left at YVMM plant survey at UEA meadow

Conservation Volunteers December Programme

The volunteers will be at UEA Marsh on the 9th and 16th December to help manage the wetland habitats on campus. Join them if you can.

Mark Webster of the Conservation volunteers sends a Christmas Message:

“Tis (almost) the season for ho, ho, ho rather than hoe, hoe, hoe (or rake, rake, rake). As far as I’m concerned it’s Bah Humbug until 1st December, but that’s now very soon – so here is your festive December programme. We are moving in some exalted circles this month from dreaming spires (the Catholic cathedral) to the concrete jungle (UEA) as well as visiting some old favourite sites for more long-term projects.
During this month Santa will also be delivering some TCV-branded clothing to all volunteers who have been good this year. There will as usual be some well-earned downtime for us all for the Xmas holidays. I hope you know someone who will enjoy this month’s tasks, they can then feel free to indulge in (just a little bit) too much eating and drinking during our midwinter break – and you know how they can best to get fit and healthy again in January…
Merry Christmas!

The programme of Conservation Volunteering to improve local green spaces is here. Join in whenever suits you.

Have your say on our green and blue space