All who value the green space of the Yare Valley are welcome to come along to the Yare Valley Society AGM and Talk:
The AGM will be held first, and take about 30 minutes. Papers for the AGM will be in the next YVS Newsletter, due out early June. The AGM will be followed by a talk by Matthew Davies, the Norwich Fringe Project Officer.
One recent initiative of the Fringe Project has been its introduction of mini forests into Bowthorpe Southern Park (see picture in poster). Many will have seen the fenced plantations created using the Miyawaki method. The method involves echoing naturally occurring forests by planting four layers of plants: trees, sub-trees, shrubs and ground cover. The layers are densely planted in previously enriched soil. This results in a mini forest that matures much more rapidly than normal and has all the advantages, including carbon capture, of existing forest trees.
It is just one of the many ways in which the Fringe Project has sought to improve the Valley for People and Wildlife.