Volunteering in September

The September Programme for the Conservation Volunteers is now available here.

Mark Webster writes:

“Well, September is here, back to school and college for some and back to the rake (rather than grindstone) for us, as meadow management season is in full swing.  Since the Second World War, Britain has lost 97% of its wildflower meadows, making the fragments of this habitat that we still have all the more precious.  Make hay while the sun shines, as they say, and in our case there will be a lot of haymaking this month, as we cut and rake up a variety of different grassland sites all over Norwich: this management is vital in order to keep the meadows from being taken over by nettles, thistles, brambles and scrub.  We have also got a bit of bracken bashing, and another trip out to the fine old town of Bungay.

While I think about college, I would also like to announce an additional minibus pick-up point near UEA: if anyone would like to meet us at the Triangle Car Park here https://gridreferencefinder.com?gr=TG1838507940|Point_s_B|1&t=Point%20B&v=r [ what3words: risky.froth.study ] at 9.15am, please contact me via 07740 899 691  mark.webster@tcv.org.uk to confirm your place on the bus.

For those enthusiasts of the bad puns and film/tv/pop culture references with which I try to liven up these programmes (no, honestly, some people are) this month is something of a song lyric special, thanks largely to one volunteer (you know who you are) who got me thinking how many songs have hey (hay) in the title, perfect for this month.”