Good work has been done at St Andrews Church in Eaton, beside the River Yare, in promoting biodiversity in its churchyard and in hosting Eco-Fairs.
John Thurman (a past chair of YVS) writes:
The churchyard makes a beautiful setting for St Andrew’s Church in Eaton. It’s a place of tranquillity, rich in history and a haven for wildlife. The entrance, through the lychgate and avenue of lime trees, which has welcomed many a wedding party, is open 24 hours every day to all members of the community. Keeping the churchyard in good condition is a year round but very rewarding task – undertaken mainly by volunteers. In autumn, the lime trees shed mountains of leaves which makes it a very busy time for our team of gardeners.
This year we want to invite anybody with an hour or so to spare to join us in the BIG AUTUMN LEAF SWEEP on Saturday November 2nd from 10AM. All are welcome, families with children included. We will provide wheelbarrows and some tools – but if you own a favourite rake, please bring that too! Teas and coffees will be available in the Church Hall, where an Autumn Fair will be taking place that morning.
So please come to help out, to have fun and meet new friends! You don’t have to be a church member – it’s sufficient just to appreciate the surroundings of St Andrew’s as the community asset it has been for many centuries.