The Yare Valley Meadow Makers invite you to join them in improving the Yare Valley wildflower meadows. In November (weather permitting) there will be work parties on Saturday the 9th 10 – 12 am and Sunday the 17th 2– 4 pm. Join them on the UEA broad hay meadow at the picnic area by the lake W3W ///ripe.keys.vocab.
They will be doing some raking and creating bare earth patches with mattocks to prepare the meadow for the sowing of more wildflower seed shortly after.
All help will be much appreciated. They will have plenty of seed thanks to their own collections and some kind donations from High Ash farm and Norwich City Council earlier this year.
The Yare Valley Meadow Makers direct most of their efforts at improving the Strawberry Field meadow and the UEA hay meadow and the hedgerows that link them.