Uncertainty over Rugby Club Development at UEA

The Rugby Club has so far failed to conclude its negotiations with the developer of its current facilities at Beeston Hyrne. UEA admits in a current planning application with South Norfolk District Council (2018/1830) that the “Timescales regarding when the Rugby Club will be in a position to enter into a long lease are currently unknown”.

The UEA in its new planning application is seeking to split the development into two phases in an effort to secure permission for a Phase 1 which is for “additional parking for users of the sports area and nearby facilities on the NRP”. To achieve this, it is applying for a number of conditions placed upon the original application approval to be changed.

 What if the Rugby Club negotiations are not concluded successfully? What then is the future of Phase 2? Will a car park have been extended in a sensitive area for a facility that does not exist? Will safeguarding conditions have been by-passed?

See the news item above for accessing the application documents.

Elisabeth Frink Sculptures at the UEA

UEA hope to acquire two Elisabeth Frink Sculptures, Mirage I and Mirage II to display as part of their Sculpture Park.  Positioned on the north-west edge of the lake, the sculptures would be viewable from the Sainsbury Centre and the Yare Valley Walk. The unveiling of the sculptures at the Sainsbury Centre will coincide with Elisabeth Frink: Humans and other Animals, a major exhibition celebrating the work of Dame Elisabeth Frink born in East Anglia in 1930. More details are to be found in Planning Application 18/01120/F at Norwich City Planning.

Norwich City Council raises concerns on McCarthy and Stone Bluebell Road Development

Norwich City Council has still to make a decision on the  proposals for Phase 2 of McCarthy and Stone Phase 2 development. Norwich City Council has serious concerns about the proposals, and you can see the details of the concerns on the Planning Portal.  Search under reference 18/00265/F.   Click on the documents tab, and then “View associated documents”. Select document dated 10 July.

Concerns include: Planning use class; Design, layout and character; Transport; Flood risk; Renewable energy/sustainability; and Open space.

YVS shares Norwich City Council’s concerns and wishes them well in their continuing negotiations with the developers.

Bartram Mowers apply for another development phase on Bluebell Road

The application is for: Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 41 care bungalows with communal facilities, access and ancillary development. Bartram Mowers Ltd Bluebell Road Norwich NR4 7LG

The reference is 18/00265/F and details can be found on the Norwich Planning Portal at https://planning.norwich.gov.uk/online-applications/

Please respond to this application. It impacts on the amenity of the Yare Valley. Comments should be sent to the Norwich Planning Services by 7th May 2018.

Information on how to respond to a Norwich Planning Application can be found at


For background and more information on the development go to PLANNING