Talk and AGM: Managing the Yare Valley for People and Wildlife

The Yare Valley Society Annual General Meeting and Talk

Go to Newsletter N119 on the Newsletter page for all the AGM papers.

The formal part of the AGM will be followed by a talk “Restoring the River Yare” by Sarah Gelpke of the Norfolk Rivers Trust. Sarah is overseeing the current works on the river designed to improve water flow patterns and provide wildlife habitat

Wednesday 21st June 2023 at 7.30 pm

Cringleford Sports Pavilion

(Entrance via Recreation Ground at end of Oakfields Road Cringleford)

All who value the green space of the Yare Valley are welcome.

Modifying river flow with a woody berme

Yare Valley Society AGM and Talk Wednesday 29th June

Anyone who values the green space of the Yare Valley has free entry to the YVS AGM and talk. The business of the AGM is followed by a talk by Matt Tomlinson from the John Innes Centre:

We normally manage to complete the business of the AGM in the first half hour. We will then be able to enjoy, “Strawberry field: from Ragwort to Riches”, a talk by Dr Matt Tomlinson from the John Innes Centre. Matt works on the anticancer benefits of natural plant compounds. The talk will be of interest to all who wish to see the biodiversity of the Valley improved, and also to those seeking to rewild their gardens. Matt started his interest in the Strawberry Field as a lockdown 2020 project. Over the last two years the Friends of Strawberry field has formed, and is working with the landowner to make changes to the management the field. The field is now rapidly heading towards being a rich community wildflower meadow. Spurred on by these successes the Friends are now also assisting with adjacent hay meadows. More on the work of the Friends and some of the wildflowers that can be seen on the Strawberry field are on their Facebook page